சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Friday, 11 December 2009


just when i thought i had a friend where i can be myself and share my life, the bond was shattered. for the first time in many years, i saw tears in my eyes. i never knew you had such an impact on me.  you misinterpreted what i said, but its my fault as well for being blatantly honest. today, you brought pain, and emptiness just as you brought happiness to my life all these days.. when  i said this will never work out, you defied it and challenged it will. guess i was rite. maybe we were never meant to be together. maybe our paths are never meant to be crossed. but why i cant say goodbye yet? adamant or just a blind hope things will alright back?

MindsBlog !


  1. Like how all life goes, bumpy - you ought to endeavor it to the end. it pretty much lets us know that we are very much alive.

  2. sasi : a fighter may reuse to fight for whats right due to honor or pride but a friend will fight for it , never mind the stigma nor the consequence. i'm a friend.=) and yes, i alive. ^^


perple streaks @_@