i stumbled upon a blog by some obi wan kenobi who is at the core a looser. yeap rite. a looser.. add insensitive, shallow minded, pervert, selfish and you will get this jerk. he rambles off pages and pages of his thoughts that seems to come back at some point or another, to his ultimate goal. to get laid. maybe thats why he is ugly as he claimed. thank god. but i got to admire one thing. he is not a hypocrite. he says things exactly as he meant it to be, no two ways about it. but that doesn't make him, right.
wish he uses his brains rather than his balls to think, but than again, why would he? sure he must have expected some sort of opposion when he started to type down his thoughts and share them with whoever wants to know. he has the talent for writing, but then again one man's mead, is another man's poison. and your opinion is not even poison, its sick. sad. and disturbing. makes me wonder how many people like you wonder out there, changing masks at any convinient time? judging from the encouraging comments, alot. A LOT. jerk