hopefully will be seeing this tommorrow

today, an acquittance of mine, a fellow blogger, Vasantarao Appalasamy, asked me a question. am i eligible to vote and have i registered as a voter. i did try once to register, when they had a mobile booth in kl sentral once. but, alas, it seemed they had problem with their system and asked me to return in 3 months. thats the last i saw that booth, and it has been more then 3 months. however, i am extremely ashamed that i did not take the initiative to try for other means of getting my self recognized as a voice and do my duty as a citizen of this country.
currently, my predicament is shared by many youths around the nation. especially in our community. 21 is the age where there will be glamorous celebrations, a big feast, attended by relatives, friends and well wishers. as if reaching the age of 21 is an achievement. and the key is always the symbol used to represent freedom. unlocked, it seems. if u asked me, the key is the symbol representing the locked mindset and deprived mentality of our kids. well most of them, generally. ya ya, people argue, we should celebrate life but, what there is to celebrate when you have barely experienced life? my dearies, by the age of 21, you must know what is your right as a citizen, what is your limit as a citizen and what is your privilege as a citizen of this nation. that means the one utmost thing you should celebrate and cherish, is your power to vote. the power to change the fate of our nation. some may argue, what difference that one measly vote may make? one voice, one opinion,or one instinct is enough to bring a policy, a regulation, a leader to either fall or rise! so, every vote is a tie breaker.
each vote counts. thats the way, we contribute into building this nation of ours. keeping it feasible for our future generations. remember, this nation is ours, not to keep or claim ownership, but ours to safeguard and nurture for future generations. so that they too can enjoy all it has to offer. so be politically aware, instill a sense pride in you, and encourage your peers to do the same. friends, take the first step to pave a brighter future. enable your self to vote. activate your right to make your voice heard. friends, register! as a voter!