சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Tuesday 1 September 2009


it's that time of the year again. the time where the superiors makes all kinds of gimmick , enticing people into actually thinking that they are the guardians of national identity. the time where people get all wrapped up insemangat patriotik. the time where the flag war starts. the time where the advert people start to make money. the time where, well politicians urge to make more movies about war heroes to educate the young about the sacrifices that they make. kids its MERDEKA time..

besides being a way too much overated holiday, that lost its purpse way before i was born, MERDEKA do have have its message to all of us. nope, its not unity, or perpaduan or one malaysia or two kl or three selangor or stuff.. cause all this is useless if we fail to, well accept. not like in this-is-our-fate-we-are-so-doomed-tiil-eternity kind off thingy, but in a more subtle way, to acknowledge the presence of others and accept them as part of our rich community. rich in the sense of culture, talent, and personality. accepting the others who are different from us, people who don't share the same view with us, will definately pave the way to bridge any gap that is between us.

next i would really love to see change is the cleanliness habbits of our fellow citizens. first, stop throwing rubbish anywhere and everywhere except the bin. and i do dearly hope that there are more rubbish bins available throughout the country, especially zones which has high human traffic. the already available one are eithersedang diselanggara or out of porportion and shape. there is no prize for slam dunkin rubbish into the bin or free throws give any marks to any imaginary teams the cracked up wackos conjured up with. as disgustin as it may sound, many of them dont even give a second thought before pursing the lips and pushing the saliva with brute force out of their system. yes, spitting is anther sickly mortifying habbit of our fellow malaysians. thats one things that they are united in. all are the same breed.

love to cakap cakap a bit panjang, but i dont have the mood nor the nergy..so im ending this post abruptly with a video i took while waitng for lrt at masjid jamek.. H A P P Y M E R D E K A people...

MindsBlog !

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perple streaks @_@