சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Friday, 30 October 2009

pay attention..lolxx

 First-year students at Texas A&M's vet school were attending their first 
 anatomy class, with a real dead cow.

 They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a 
 white sheet. The professor started tht class by telling
 them, "In Veterinary Medicine it is necessary to have two important 
 qualities as a doctor: The first is that you not be disgusted by
 anything involving the animal body."

 For an example, the professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in 
 the butt of the dead cow, withdrew it and stuck his finger
 in his mouth.

 "Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his students.

 The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually 
 toook turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead cow
and sucking on it.

 When everyone finished, the professor looked at them and said, "The second 
 most important quality is observation. I stuck in my
 middle finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention. 
 Life's tough, but it's even tougher if you're stupid."

MindsBlog !

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

who me?

gosh, i so need a p.a! there are gazillion things to do and i have got the slightest idea on how to get it all done exactly.  ma ex gf messaged me after like 2 years suddenly.. don't know why suddenly she missed me..( yucks!), despite the fact i most certainly don't miss any part of her( now why does that sounds vulgar? hmmm..), i chatted with her for almost two hours.. i know i know.. but i couldn't help being nosy apparently she is with someone younger, and asked if im seeing anyone. first, i wanna say yes,( nak jaga muke la konon..) but i decided to to come clean , in a more subtle way..

                                      xgf:: sun wen u gona go steady?
                                      me : steady ah.. hahahah.. i wanna keep my options open la.. dowana commit to                                                              
                                             anyone yet

speaking of dat , wat does it mean if a girl asks u to come with her back to her home town to meet the family, in her baby nieces 30th function? still haven't replied ehm ehm.. sms..  i ony know her 4 2 weeks. she is ma cousin bros pet sis, same age damm hawt, sportin, yada yada( u know d drill) but i find it rather startling.. isnt dat like way fast? creepy, if  i may say so.  just decided to reply to her..

                                    ehm ehm: my family is doin the 30th day celebration for my niece back in my hometown.                              
                                                   i wan u 2 cum wif me to meet dem. its on 30 of oct, sat. u will cum rite?
                                              me: who me?

MindsBlog !

Friday, 16 October 2009

pre diwali

this year diwali is seeing me repeating history with fights and me being the rebel i am. n i freaking hate it. arghhh... hate my life! ( this sooooooooo not another teenager angst!)

MindsBlog !

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

how to get over someone?

how are you suppose to get over people if they keep popping up in front of you and making it hard for you to move on??? don't they know the meaning of letting go? or they are trying to get even for being, well dumped??? arggghhhh

MindsBlog !

Sunday, 11 October 2009

tra la la la la..tra la la la...

diwali is  fast approaching. the cleaning process has started and its more painful this year as im the only one stuck to do it. the others have found a legitimate escape route (as my dad puts it!) and me, well if i intend to stay here, i must contribute my part. and that means everything, i have to poke my head into, and smile while doing it. sigh.

off all things, the wonderful dad i have decided to chop down some trees that are around our house garden. it seems it is hard to maintain it , and it sheds too many leaves. like duh! haven't he heard the concept of pruning?  no amount of tree hugging saved the rambutan tree by the window of my granny's room. after being in existence for about 13 years, it finaly got the chop. the neighbors looked at the fiasco i created and well, lets say embarrassing your oldies publicly has its advantages. they just cut off the top it. dad and my evil aunt. nature haters. boooo!!  that was last week.

today me, mum and dad cleaned our rooms. moved everything out and washed and scrubbed it. put in back everything in and cleaned all the windows around the house. all under 4 hours. thats a new record for us, because with all the usual screaming, cursing and fighting, and without the extra help we always have, 3 of us manage to pull it off, nicely.hehehe..

still got many things do. kampooch is here. tomorrow is house cleaning again. sigh. oh well, tis the season to be jolly. tra la la la la tra la la la... bright lamps and colorful rangoli, tra la la la la, tra la la la...

MindsBlog !