many things in life comes in packages as every action is followed suit by a reaction, which essentially lead us to being who we are now. reverting from this norm is next to impossible, as escaping from the impact of our deeds is a feat achieved by very few. so how do we go about, adjusting and adapting to every turn and tribulations, as well as triumph and tokens that life gives us?
an age old saying has the answer. beauty is in eyes of the beholder. perspective has been playing the all important role in giving us the identity that people associate us with. simply said, it how you see things as opposed to the other version of it, taking things. as much as we think that the two words don't really make any distinguishable differences to the phrase, take another look back and discover the impact of a simple word play.
viewing matter in an openly manner, withholding the urge to criticize and conforming to the thinking of the public is a trade that all of us should pick, sooner. not to say opinions of the mass doesn't matter, the inability to halt the saturation of it and analyse the situation consciously is what we seek to reform.
life, is beautiful. many claim to see it, many acknowledge the phrase. but how many do live with it? taking things for granted, is for some part of our community is boon. the capability to change views of the the large is not impossible, and saying such one of the first step is to change ourselves, radically to gain strength to pursue it relentlessly when the aches hit us.
doing our bits and parts to make the difference that seem to be on everyones lips but not heart is a take many refuse to do, and few give it a shot. and among those few, i was fortunate to breath some similar thoughts with them. they penned it down, and mine formed clouds above.
those who did write it for others to view, will always be praised in a most default manner. few questioned it and immediately will be labelled with a society traitor sticker. and these are the people who sit and watch tamil serials at home, religiously. how i know? the maturity of their perspective and augmentation of their argument is beyond funny. its just plain stupid, not ignorant, but just stupid. those things two things matches well.period
so for those aforementioned beholders, its time to get spectacles and see the spectacle of life and its beauty. and while you are at it, get a life as well. cheerios