சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Saturday 3 July 2010

the coincidence of consequence. propagation

principles. the rule we live by. things we believe in. faith. dictates the way we live our live. but what if there is a factor that looms ahead all the time, threatening to disrupt your equilibrium if you don't go their way. if you think any explaining should do any help. you should only try it if they are furnished with the science of reasoning. if not, simple. the answer, hypocrisy. yup, just be a hypocrite. cause you know what, they deserve it.

anguishing over unknown reasons or situations is never going to be the new black, hence why we waste our energy trying to sort things in where they belong? because the after taste of awkwardness, is nut at all sweet. running into people whom we discarded, trashed, stepped over or what not, is always a chance to put it into their face. but not all of us have the inner bitch in us to do the roll call once again, despite the many claims.

some say time and karma will pay back exactly what everyone deserves,i say time and karma is in a illegitimate affair. so, get hold of their little black book, wear your prada's, and get down and dirty. for folks, you live once, you dont have to screw your way to hell, just enough to get to know, how does it feels not to be at the bottom all time  long. this should be our dirty little secret. bon voyage.

MindsBlog !

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