did he deserve this? even though he is a criminal, a suspected car thief to be exact, what happened to him is beyond humanity. this is sick, disgusting and disturbing. i don't know what really went on till it ended like this, but i know this, this is wrong. whatever happened to not guilty till proven guilty code of ethics and conduct that must be upheld by every law enforcement officials?? isn't there an oath this people take before they are signed in? every one deserves a second chance, execpt to those who misuse their power and the trust given to them by the general public. to those leeches, there is no second chance.
the damage is done. there is no turning back. what are thesepeople thinking? that they can do anything and the people will just keep their mouth shut? hello, wake up! you are there because the people put you there, and because the people want you to be there! if they decided otherwise, you are toast my friend! the deceased, kugan, is a young chap,with no criminal record, a 22 year old who is just starting his life not to be brutally slaughtered! come to think of it, will there be any trust again by the indian comunnity to the police? or is this what we call karma? why the other two people who were detained with him were released and he was not? " the family is entitled to a second post mortem but wont allowed it" what does that mean? hidding the trails? or to prevent unrest among the people? i guess some people are obessed with james bond, they take the license to kill a bit to seriusly! why there is no answer till now? he died of water retention in his lungs. okay, fine. then the marks and cuts all over his body, from head to toe, what, side effects of water? so is the water the criminal now? if they could, those in hot water will blame water for it!

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perple streaks @_@