சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Tuesday 27 January 2009

rest not in peace

the authorities has approved for a second post mortem. the results will be out soon. what i dont get is, the marks must have been there when the first post mortem is done. i'm sure the pathologist who did it noticed it. to say notice it it is downplaying, as the cuts and bruises are all over his body. like a work of an skilled artist splayed and scatered all over the canvas. why there was not any explaination or report on that matter by the pathologist? or did mark apper after the post mortem? cant be as there was foam and blood in the face when Kugan's family went into the mortuary. there is something not right about this.....why no one ask anything about this fishy matter?

MindsBlog !

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perple streaks @_@