today marks the end of a long weekend. to say it has been a fruitfull one, it's an overstatement, cause this week it did not went as planned. but what really bothers me is apparently a malaysian citizen, specifically a pregnant women was whacked by a particular "high comssion staff". how could this happen after more than 50 yeras of independance? for crying out loud, she is carrying a child! dont' she deserve some respect or at least some civilized treatment, notwitstanding the reason for this breach of conduct? what happened to common courtesy? aren't front desk personal supposed to handle with care, no matter how irratating a person can be? after all they are the first formal contact some one has when they come seeking your serivce or consultation? and gain, for crying out loud, who the hell are you think you are, laying your finger in a citizen when you are a non citizen yourself? grrrrrrrrrr

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perple streaks @_@