சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Monday 2 January 2012

Roaring into Dragon Year


Or so to speak.

This is the first year I had the most quality time on a new year eve that I could ever asked for. I came back to an empty house tired around 11 ish after work only to find there is no food. and worst, none of my house dwellers answered my call.

After shower and two packets of curried instant noodles (bless those who created these little wraps of joy), I slumped into my couch, feeling a bit lethargic but nevertheless the urge to go out and party the night away, and suddenly like an epiphany, the quietness and stillness of the night swept away. At that moment dawned upon me that I was about to begin my journey into a whole new year alone. the itch to kick start the idiot box was surging but I calmed it down by listening to some good jazz and eventually things that I was blessed to experience last year, buzzed from memory. the people I met, the bonds I made, the fun I had, the pain I got all surged into my sight, each one vivid and crystal clear.

The question of did I deserve those things and will it continue creped up and till one my good friend called me, Hdaran ‘s little chat was enough to pump the dwindling spirit. I geared up for the finale, as the clock kept ticking, in my own little way. chocolate, some berries and nuts, frozen yogurt and steered my self into he new year with gastronomic orgasms of the sinful delight. (ok I'm a dark chocolate fan!)

Called my sir boi, and couldn't get through. then it stroked me , he will be church praying. A smile crept about me, and I waited gingerly for his call, while calling the others whom i keep close to my little heart. Then I got the call i was waiting for and I was floating in sweet heavens. Bless him.

And then it rained. as with any other significant moment in my life, it rained for a good 20 minutes till I was soaked and  tired form yelping and singing in the rain, playing about happily.

And with that I welcomed 2012 into my arms and embraced it.


Happy New Year People.

1 comment:

  1. A mention!!! Am I not flattered!!! Thanks! Happy New Year to you too!!!


perple streaks @_@