yahoo!!!! after 2 months of sleepless nights, and a daily dose of panadol activ, my first sem has finally came 2 an end! like gosh, sun, you did it! with big bad bush gatting the sandal salute and me bumping into certain someone ^^, yesterday and today was a beffiting farewell to me sem. went to the PC fair in klcc, and bought sum stuff. d usualls, pendrives, which are sold oh so cheaply, and hooray, finally got ma self a webcam, after a lot of hesitation. its' 5 megapixels, and it is like so cute, looks like wall-e jutting out from ma pc! and this can only meaning one thing, camwhoring, lolz!! hehehehe, maybe i should start like a series of photos or someting, muahahahahahaha.
at the fair, i bumped into somone which i thought will nebver ever see again in my life. actually, i saw him first. was waiting for my uncle as we got seperated due to lots of shoving and pushing, and suddenly my heart started to beat very fast. i dont know why, till i glimpsed a familar shadow. could it be i thought? and i told my sister to wait and trailed after that person, and yes it is! went near and statr to like ummm looking at somwhere else, hoping my presence will be noticed, but after a few minutes, there was no response, so i moved away, kinda dissapointed. after a few steps, i was poked behind and my name called out. i turned thinking it was my uncle, but when i turned, my heartstopped beating and there was the familar face and smile that robbed my heart. after all, i was noticed. i went speechless and well the person did all the talking. it was apleasant surprise as it was , lets name the peron x birthday on sunday, and i wished x in d morning through sms. it was totally unexpected. rest, well thats a preety complicated and different story, i went back home , dazed and confused. but nevertheless, i was extremely happy that x still still thinks of me me. life is unpredictable.
but that is not going to stop me from hohoing ma way to christmas! hoidays here i come!!!!!!