சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Monday 8 December 2008


first and foremost, a silent prayer to the recent landslide victims of bukit antarabangsa. RIP those who could not make it, and to those who made it, thank your lucky stars. its better to loose property than to loose your loved ones. nw to the juicy part.
bukit antarabangsa. a posh resedential area. an address that can be associated with the royalties ant the stars of the society. also synonymous with land slides and eartquakes. this is not the first time something of this magnitude occured there. over the last few years there has been many landslides and tremors detected in that area. the most notable one is the highland tower disaster. a statement made by someone in line to be the counties biggie, translated exactky from bm goes like this"" now we have no more excuses to allow for development in bukit antarabangsa"" uhh correct me if i'm wrong, does that mean they had excuses before to allow for development in bukit antarabangsa even after the htower tremor that shook the whole nation? oh wait, that time a datuks child did not get korban. thats the difference. thats the catastrophe. the real catastrophe of our nation. 

MindsBlog !

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