சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Wednesday 17 December 2008


pretencious. yup. thats me. pretending. faking it. all of it. i can't be myself. i tried too. then people started to mock me. to kill me. then i decided. to be phony. people flocked. like pigeons. around me. found some true friends in the flock. friends who cought me red handed. for not being myself. with them i was me again. i was reborn. but now, they are no more with me. they went where life took them. i'm all alone now. with no one to cry to. to share with. to be friends. is it a crime to be different from the others? is it a must to follow the leash of the society? whats wrong in not stereotyping? i'm not a clone. nor i will be. i hate it to the guts. i can't keep with this  any longer. but i have to. life doesn't give us much choice.i'm hurt. but i can't cry. tears are flodding my eyes. but i just close my eyes .so it wont flow down. once i was happy. met someone that i thought was my match in every aspect. we were together. life was a bliss. but then, things started to change. we seperated. now the past is back. explaination. did not get it when iasked for it. but now getting it without asking. don't want to hope. but i'm human too. my heart can't differentiate between true and false. scared will be hurt again. and hurt someone who gave me support all this while when i was crying. why me? don't ideserve to be happy? i'm no angel. but i'm no whore either. just a persons who got hurt multiple times by people i trusted. trust. thats a strong word. easy to break, hard to get. sigh..

MindsBlog !


  1. When life gives you lemons ??

    No you dont make lemonades..

    u use it to suckle on it after a straight tequila pop..wait you dont drink do you??

  2. when life gives me lemons, i dont do lemoneades, nor i suckle it. i scrub off the dirt with it, and move on, cleaned. ^^


perple streaks @_@