yikes, its been ages since i last scribbled something in here^^. but then again, since my last emo outburst, d week has been great. went for my reunion of my form 5 class. its been 3 years since i last saw them. we had a blast! almost 7 hours at mc'd! went on fries and refilled fizzies marathon that day, enough calories and sugar to last till middle of next year! lolz!!! the nutty gang cant believe it was me, cause i used to be well "healthy" nad now i am healthy minus the inverted coma, guess they were shocked that l lost so much weight. them we roamed aimlessly around the mall cmawhoring in every possible place, absorbing the atmosphere and basking in the spirit of christmas, with all the gay decorations and sounds of carols in the air we ruled, just like in the good old days.... XD

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perple streaks @_@