சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Friday 10 April 2009


whenever we make new friends over the internet, must we put photos that is deemed cool? some time not so distant in the past, some  people i know were busy taking pictures when we were hanging out. i mean i camwhore too, but what bothered me was, they were so busy taking the perfect picture, repeating the same umm, pose again and again till they thought it was well perfect. when i asked why, their reply was i want to put this as my profile pic. don't get me wrong, but whats the point if that doesn't really resembles the real you as if in the real you, not faking a pose but trully you? i pose too, and i put those pictures in a few social networks that i keep up with, but not to the extent that can make people assume me as someone whom i'm not... most of the times, u look at a person profile, it will be at their level best, which is a good thing, and i'm not condemming it, but what bothers me, why do you have to pretend to be someone you are not to get some random starngers attention? make sense? first impression counts, but do we really judge a book by its cover? or am i a poor confused soul who seem to think too much? 

MindsBlog !

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perple streaks @_@