சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Monday 24 November 2008


its darshana raj. dont now the spelling but thats the name. raj is supposed to be the family name. whoose family? still remains a mystery to me. it bears an uncanny resemblane to another cousin brothers child name. darsha raj. coincidence? i doubt it. their wives are cousins to. so this makes them like in the same family. cousins married the cousins. ahh, now i get it. its the family
THE RAJ FAMILY. then what does that make us?

stunts? publicity attempt? LAME. show your defiant anger some where. not on the child

but then again, this is not about ma cousins. its about the new addition to a colorfull family. welcome to our life girl.

MindsBlog !


perple streaks @_@