சிந்திக்க அல்ல, சுவைக்க.
Not to think, but to taste

Tuesday 18 November 2008

website woes... continued

Im not a whiner. Nor i like to complain. I belive everything happens for a reason. But sometimes i wish i know the reason. Sometimes i wonder why this sort of things happens to me. First the happy news. 2 of the websites that i asked permission for gave me their permission to use their material since its for my asignment. Now the bad news. Suddenly out of the blue, the retracted it. Why you ask, their answer was very professional. "Due to some unforseen circumstances, there is a revamping of image of our institution. Hence we are very sorry to inform you that the permision is void from the time and and date this notification is sent. Thank you" What can i say? Maybe its karma.

ps: ma pc is still not replaced. cc is ma new home. huhuhuhuhu
MindsBlog !

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