AND then there is an IF. yup an if. if it comes with the 3 elements which are chanting, worshipping and meditation, then its haram. since when people chant when they do yoga? or am i so outdated that i missed this new trend in yoga? what are they thinking? excorsism? worshipping. hmmmmm. i dont see any idol or object that is bowed at or danced around in yoga. oh wait. maybe the council members confused it with the rain dance of the tribes in africa. maybe they thought its yoga as well. forgiven. meditation. its the act of clearing thoughts and focusing on god. yup god. your god. any god. no one is forcing anyone to focus on a specific god. just focus on your god in your language. whats wrong in that?
well i guess being a malysian has its perks and poluutions. sometimes its about the roti canai in space. sometimes its about the name of the streets. other times its wishing seaosonal greetings to our fellow bretherens. most of the times, well most of the times it just shows how far we have come and how far we still have to go to be a trully liberated, united and matured nation. whats next on the list, taichi? qigong? god knows.

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